Where People Come To Transform Their True Self

Coaching, Coach Training & Partnerships


At some point in life the rubber hits the road and you know it’s time to get honest, look within and reflect on what needs to change, step up and take responsibility, course correct or discover more, and do what it takes to cultivate yourself to the next level.

At such times Being True To You can help.


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 Who We Are


Being True To You is an online Transformational and Integration Coaching company that provides coaching to clients, coach training and certification to professionals and aspiring coaches, and partners with wellness and psychedelic clinics to provide their clients preparation and integration coaching.

There are three main categories for coaching with Being True To You.


Designed for impactful, long-lasting change, our coaching model guides you through a journey of personal transformation, ensuring changes are deeply integrated for long-term growth.

Coach Training

Learn to fundamentally change lives, including your own, with our Transformational and Psychedelic Integration Coach Certification – a journey of self-discovery that empowers you to support others in their healing.



Propel your retreat or clinic to new heights by elevating your ability to support clients. Through innovation and mutual vision, discover how collaborating with us and our highly-trained coaches can establish a solid foundation for your business.


Established in 2010, we are the first coaching company to provide preparation and integration to alternative treatment programs and people in general. We created the first, most comprehensive, and most premiere Transformational & Integration Coach Training Program.


We unite principles, coaching, integration, and transformational work, with our compassion and expertise, to support the Journey of the True Self– the only way to health, longevity, peak performance, happiness, and tranquility.


Being True To You is a community of our own certified instructors and coaches trained in our proprietary transformational and integration coaching model to support clients through transitional and transformational moments in their lives.


Every client is paired with the best-matched coach. Every coach is committed to objective, ethical, and effective coaching. Every clinic has a dedicated team of coaches taking care of their clients.


Whether you’d like to hire a coach, train to become a coach, or join us in a collaborative partnership, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Our Mission & Vision

Our ultimate mission is to help people discover and cultivate the Path of the True Self.

Our goal is to help over one million people use their circumstances of addiction and suffering as a launching pad for personal transformation and awakening and to support the integrity of the wellness and psychedelic therapy movement through integration coaching. 

The vision is to create a nationwide coaching infrastructure to support holistic healing, psychedelic therapies, and personal growth offerings that becomes the new standard for professionals and programs industry-wide.


TRANSFORMATION cultivating character, experience, skills, and abilities

authentic, transparent, and honest inwardly and outwardly

presence, kindness, patience, seeking shared understanding

acceptance and non-judgment, grounded & unattached, unbiased

clear on ethics, morals, facts, best judgment, and intuition

commitment to ongoing personal cultivation, staying in process

following a plan and strategy with supportive structure 

holding ourselves to a higher standard, always doing our best

How We Started

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Founder Deanne Adamson

Being True To You was founded in 2010 by Deanne Adamson after X years in the Mental Health Counseling field. Deanne wanted to help people through the hardships and potential of the greater human experience and human predicament beyond the bounds of the medical model and modern thinking. The endeavor sought to help people wake up from the delusion, take responsibility for themselves, find the path of the true self, and get with the point of life.

This venture took off quickly just after meeting doctors in Mexico who were providing ibogaine detox to people struggling with opiate addiction. Deanne and then other hired coaches began providing aftercare recovery coaching, and eventually preparation and integration coaching to hundreds of people going through this process.

This work spread to many different kinds of clinics and individuals integrating all kinds of medicines and transformational tools. Which led to our esteemed coach training, sitters and staff training, hospitality and retreat training, and most notably, our integration coaching packages offered to wellness clinics. 


Our model of coaching helps you better understand why you suffer or where you’re stuck and connect with your ability to change things. By examining your mindset, lifestyle, and allegiances in life, you can begin to untangle the web of delusion and burdens that weigh you down, and realign to your true self and life purpose.

Anyone desiring change can work with a transformational coach. Being True To You offers virtual coaching to individuals who are ready to take their life to the next level, who are ready to do the work to move past an issue that has been troubling them for some time, and anyone ready to break long-term cycles of suffering and addiction.

To benefit from coaching one has to choose it for oneself, be willing to talk about what’s going on in life and see different perspectives, and integrate incremental changes into one’s daily life.

Who We Work With



Individuals ready to level up, improve and discover themselves, work through the hardships and challenges of everyday life, overcome addiction or other state of suffering, support loved ones through tough times like addiction and chronic setbacks in life, those going through psychedelic therapies or using other transformational tools, veterans and first responders post retirement, and executives, entrepreneurs, professionals, high-profiles, influencers, athletes, artists and musicians, and everyday people. —>



Trainees from all walks of life, professionals from healthcare, social work, and counseling, parents starting a new career, students, teachers, and professors, engineers, scientists, and researchers, facilitators and sitters who have worked with psychedelics, influencers and entrepreneurs, yoga therapists, energy workers, and breathwork teachers, veterans, veteran spouses, and first responders, athletes and MMA fighters and so on. —>



We partner with ketamine clinics, psychedelic retreats, holistic healing programs, brain treatment programs, addiction treatment centers and sober living centers to create a custom turnkey preparation and integration coaching plan for your retreat clients.


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Our integration coaching is designed to give people holistic information, informed consent, virtual, convenient, and affordable assistance without promising an external solution, non-medical support without being labeled, diagnosed, medicated, or overprescribed, and a system of personal empowerment to counteract epidemics of addiction, mental illness, incarceration, suicide, and to reverse the degradation of our culture for youth and adults.

Our integration coaching provides preparation and integration around other treatments and techniques ensuring people take responsibility to do the work they need to do to get lasting results with any medicines, treatments, or other programs they go through. Our integration coaching is heart-centered, client-focused, positively oriented, as well as objective and non-attached to ensure clients think for themselves and connect with their faith and what is most important to them, taking extra precaution to protect the wellbeing of the client first.

All of our trainings are provided solely by us without going through any kind of institution or agency. Novice and professionals can receive training outside of academia and medical training. We have gathered our own information over the last 15 years directly observing and supporting people through their human experience. Rather than teaching coaches through a one-dimensional scientific driven model, instead we look at the human predicament through a holistic and wider lens allowing coaches to help clients to a greater extent. Our trainings welcome all people, and center around a common set of traditional and moral principles to protect the sovereignty and integrity
of our certifications.

How We Help



Clarify what is most important, identify personal goals and what needs to happen to achieve those goals, establish new hope, motivation, and skills, let go of the blocks and burdens holding them back, move beyond cravings, traumas, and stuckness, resolve problems and conflicts, improve mental and physical wellbeing, personal relationships, and overall confidence, focus, productivity, and results in career and life.



Receive training in how to support people through transitional and transformational experiences, guiding people through any number of hardships and hurdles impeding their life goals and success, and learning how to coach people objectively, ethically, and effectively. Regardless of what level you start at, this training will up-level your
skills, abilities, and competence, help you build a stronger clientele, and take clients further.




Extend your program by offering preparation integration to every person, Provide support to the companions of your clients, stay focused on your work on site knowing everyone is being taken care of before and after they undergo their treatments, a team to resolve grievances and handle the majority of questions and needs, increase client satisfaction, success rates, and therefore engagement in your program, referrals coming into your program, and your bottom line helping you too scale the greater heights.


Get In Touch

Change can often feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Being True To You provides expert recovery support, thoughtful guidance in psychedelic integration, and enriching opportunities for emerging and existing coaches. Our proven approaches are designed to enhance your success and growth, whether for yourself or your business. Contact us via email or phone or book a discovery call to learn how we can help.

Being True To You (BTTY) is an online transformational and integration coaching program, coach training and certification, and aftercare integration services for wellness clinics. BTTY coaching supports individuals through tough times, transitional moments, and transformational experiences. While clients may struggle with addiction, depression, and other psychological conditions, BTTY coaches are not counselors or mental health professionals, do not professionally assess, diagnose, or treat such conditions, and do not try to influence a client’s decisions around their medical symptoms. BTTY does not replace or stand in the way of clients getting professional medical help. BTTY does not approve or disapprove, suggest, advocate, or make referrals or connections to any psychedelic substances, sources, or providers. BTTY Is a standalone company not affiliated with any other organization. BTTY is governed by regional and federal laws and adheres to morals, ethics, and industry standards.