“Our courses help clients design the blueprint for their recovery. It is a fun, fulfilling and rewarding journey of coming into the true self and connecting with what is most important in life.” – Deanne Adamson, Being True To You Founder & CEO

Map Out Your Blueprint For Transformation

Our Transformational Courses are designed to help people in recovery, or active self-growth, to outline for themselves the most convenient and likely path they would need to take to achieve a particular statute or state of being in life. Change requires transformation; transformation requires accountability and discipline; and discipline requires commitments to specific activities at a specific time and place. Through our Transformational Courses, you can map out your own unique blueprint for transformation.

Customize Your Own Strategy

We offer an entirely virtual, multi-series Transformational Recovery program intentionally designed to guide you through a holistic recovery process. The program begins with the Roadmap to Recovery, an 8-level course to customize your own blueprint and strategy for long-term recovery. Next, the program continues with our Transformational Recovery Spiral, a 10-level course over 10 months, which includes group classes, coaching sessions, self-study materials, and performance tracking.

Being True To You (BTTY) is an online transformational and integration coaching program, coach training and certification, and aftercare integration services for wellness clinics. BTTY coaching supports individuals through tough times, transitional moments, and transformational experiences. While clients may struggle with addiction, depression, and other psychological conditions, BTTY coaches are not counselors or mental health professionals, do not professionally assess, diagnose, or treat such conditions, and do not try to influence a client’s decisions around their medical symptoms. BTTY does not replace or stand in the way of clients getting professional medical help. BTTY does not approve or disapprove, suggest, advocate, or make referrals or connections to any psychedelic substances, sources, or providers. BTTY Is a standalone company not affiliated with any other organization. BTTY is governed by regional and federal laws and adheres to morals, ethics, and industry standards.