Coaching Packages


We offer both one-on-one coaching sessions and weekly group coaching sessions to ensure you receive the comprehensive support you need to achieve long-term recovery through our Addiction Recovery program


One-on-One Coaching

Receive comprehensive, personalized support tailored just for you from a certified transformational coach. We provide both one-on-one coaching sessions and weekly group coaching sessions to ensure you receive the comprehensive support you need to achieve long-term recovery through our transformational coaching program.


Group Coaching

We offer worldwide group coaching community support, giving you access to a wide range of caring support through our worldwide network, providing safety, comfort and belonging. When you buy coaching you will be granted admittance into our group coaching classes with the freedom to follow your interests and choose your favorites to attend. Our program is designed to be fun, activating, motivating, life-changing, practical, and customizable to wherever you are on your healing journey.

“Plant medicines aren't designed to fix us. They help us recognize our truth and lead us towards the next steps we have to take to heal. This is our work to do. When we become clear with who we are, we can bring our shadow into the light.” – Dr. Dan Engle, title

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At Being True To You, we pride ourselves on the level of intentionality we bring to coach matching. We have a growing network of specialized coaches around the globe and will work with you to find the perfect coach to support your healing journey.

elaine whitt

Elaine Whitt

john bodine

John Bodine

anne frank

Anne Frank

lori losch

Lori Losch

sohan ko

Sohan Ko

jules xenakis

Jules Xenakis

keith andersen

Keith Anderson

tina salicco

Tina Salicco

tyler fink

Tyler Fink

Being True To You (BTTY) is an online transformational and integration coaching program, coach training and certification, and aftercare integration services for wellness clinics. BTTY coaching supports individuals through tough times, transitional moments, and transformational experiences. While clients may struggle with addiction, depression, and other psychological conditions, BTTY coaches are not counselors or mental health professionals, do not professionally assess, diagnose, or treat such conditions, and do not try to influence a client’s decisions around their medical symptoms. BTTY does not replace or stand in the way of clients getting professional medical help. BTTY does not approve or disapprove, suggest, advocate, or make referrals or connections to any psychedelic substances, sources, or providers. BTTY Is a standalone company not affiliated with any other organization. BTTY is governed by regional and federal laws and adheres to morals, ethics, and industry standards.