Claravida Integration Coaching


All Things Become Possible Through Integration

With each next journey, and each next round of sessions with your Integration Guide, you can step-by-step achieve any results you put your mind to. Through each journey you’ll come out with a new transcript, another piece of yourself and your life to reflect and work on. Some parts are incredibly relieving and reviving, and other parts are more challenging. The important part of getting yourself and your life where you want it, is staying in process, which your Integration Guide will hold you to, but at your will and pace.

Integration Guide work helps translate the insights and directives gained through your journey and captured in your transcript into actionable changes in your life. The journey opens the door to real change, but the degree of benefit, lasting rewards, and results come through integration. To ensure you get the most out of each journey, you can purchase additional sessions with your guide beyond the initially-included 5 sessions. Sticking with your guide through a few seasons at least, will increase the likelihood of and provide accountability in achieving what you set out to achieve, and the additional directives you take from your transcripts.

Integration guides and services are provided by: Being True To You, est. 2010. Being True To You is the first, more premiere, upright and confidential, and experienced integration team known. Being True To You has personally trained and selected the best Integration Guides exclusive to ClaraVida. You can stick with your originally assigned integration guide, or request a new guide at any time.

Select a Plan Below

All integration packages support the preparation and integration of your journey work, and are supportive of a healthy mindset, emotional clearing and centering, strengthening character, improving quality of relationships and lifestyle, increasing productivity and results, and deepening the relationship with one’s True Self and True Path.

  • 60-Minute Integration Session
  • With Confidential Expert ClaraVida Guide
  • Specialized Transcript Integration Work
  • Transformational Self-Study Materials as needed
  • 3x 60-Minute Integration Sessions
  • With Confidential Expert ClaraVida Guide
  • Specialized Transcript Integration Work
  • Transformational Self-Study Materials as needed
  • 6x 60-Minute Integration Sessions
  • With Confidential Expert ClaraVida Guide
  • Specialized Transcript Integration Work
  • Transformational Self-Study Materials as needed
  • 12x 60-Minute Integration Sessions
  • With Confidential Expert ClaraVida Guide
  • Specialized Transcript Integration Work
  • Transformational Self-Study Materials as needed
  • 24x 60-Minute Integration Sessions
  • With Confidential Expert ClaraVida Guide
  • Specialized Transcript Integration Work
  • Transformational Self-Study Materials as needed
Being True To You (BTTY) is an online transformational and integration coaching program, coach training and certification, and aftercare integration services for wellness clinics. BTTY coaching supports individuals through tough times, transitional moments, and transformational experiences. While clients may struggle with addiction, depression, and other psychological conditions, BTTY coaches are not counselors or mental health professionals, do not professionally assess, diagnose, or treat such conditions, and do not try to influence a client’s decisions around their medical symptoms. BTTY does not replace or stand in the way of clients getting professional medical help. BTTY does not approve or disapprove, suggest, advocate, or make referrals or connections to any psychedelic substances, sources, or providers. BTTY Is a standalone company not affiliated with any other organization. BTTY is governed by regional and federal laws and adheres to morals, ethics, and industry standards.