
Cultivate lasting, positive changes that lasts with aftercare coaching

Cultivate lasting, positive changes that lasts with aftercare coaching

You may receive profound insights about your own nature and life during a psychedelic experience. Aftercare coaching supports you in integrating these insights or making the necessary positive changes in your life and it plays a vital role in making those changes stick. We teach you through practical tools and techniques and help you maximize the value of the journey.

With psychedelic aftercare you can:

  • Unpack and explore the themes of your psychedelic experience
  • Make sense of your experience with a trusted coach
  • Deepen your understanding and interpretation of insights
  • Integrate your insights into daily life
  • Process unresolved emotions and elements from an experience
  • Identify and address unhealthy behaviors and patterns
  • Utilize the window of opportunity immediately following an experience
  • Harness neuroplasticity to generate transformative change

Aftercare is our Specialty

Aftercare is our Specialty

 We offer both one-on-one coaching sessions and weekly group coaching sessions to ensure you receive the comprehensive support you need to maximize the benefits of psychedelic therapies through our Psychedelic Integration Program. Aftercare is an essential part of ensuring lasting results in your recovery.

  • Personally matched with a certified Psychedelic Integration Coach
  • Flexible one-on-one coaching sessions to accommodate your schedule
  • Our esteemed Psychedelic Preparation Workbook and/or Psychedelic Integration Workbook (based on client’s needs)
  • Access to our weekly group coaching sessions
  • A warm welcome into our world-wide community
  • Individualized tools and skills to support psychedelic experiences
  • A neutral, safe space for you to express yourself 
  • Gentle accountability to help you reach your goals
  • Compassionate guidance through challenges