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Profile Type

Transformational Coach


Bio or Description

Rob Israel is an Being True To You and International Coaching Federation Certified Coach. His mission is to help people create an intentional life of balance, fulfillment and well-being by co-creating trust and safety with his clients. He has dedicated himself to studying and practicing life-transformation, focusing on awareness, self-compassion and taking action in alignment with inner values and principles. At age 18 Rob experienced an unexpected, sudden “ego-death” which fueled an already fiery passion for understanding existential truth and authentic inner peace. With no resources or elders to turn to, he had to integrate himself which lead him on a deep dive into Eastern philosophy and religion which included 14 years of intensive Zen training, a holistic body-mind-spirit approach to life and personal development.

If you feel ready to begin a deep exploration of yourself, please reach out to the team so you can connect with Rob!

Along the journey, Rob earned a BA in Sociology and has enjoyed multiple careers, including musician, cook, graphic designer and IT professional. As an IT Director, Rob’s philosophy was “servant leadership” which brought him to coaching. In 2018 he decided to coach full time so he could have a greater impact on even more people. Rob’s areas of interest in coaching are relationships, (personal, intimate, family and work), emotional intelligence, attitude and mindset, life transformation, self-empowerment, self-compassion, spirituality, non-dualism and mindfulness.



Being True To You Certified Coach ICF Certified Coach (PCC) Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Certification

Mindfulness Transformational Mindset Ontological Coaching (beingness)

Somatic Inquiry Internal Family Systems (Parts work)

Radical Responsibility and Integrity


Expertise & Keywords

Work Depression / Anxiety PTSD / Trauma Grief / Pain / Loss
Ketamine Psilocybin Microsdosing
Families Couples Business / Professionals / Career Seniors Men Women


Phone Number
