First Name

Lorna Sturchio

Last Name

In-network messaging label


Profile Type

Transformational Coach


Coach Title

Transformation & Integration Coach


Bio or Description

Transformation,  Integration, & Trauma Recovery Coach 

Lorna is a veteran from the Naval Special Warfare community who has personally endured the debilitating impacts of severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD (or Post Traumatic Growth) for many years. She has experienced the endless despair and hopelessness after many failed attempts of countless treatments in conventional medicines and therapies. However, all those futile experiences have led Lorna to explore other modalities, unconventional or otherwise. She is resourceful in directing her clients towards self-healing, and she has the knowledge and abundant tools to assist other people in breaking free from their stuck points and/or cycles of suffering. Lorna guides her clients to harness and unlock their true unlimited potential through exploration of one’s authentic self.

Lorna is a transformational and integration trauma coach who strives towards empowering her clients to take back control of their lives. She advocates for a holistic approach that nourishes the mind, body, and spirit, whether it is with or without the use of entheogenic medicines. She holds a judgement-free outlook towards her clients (who often harbor a survival and crisis mode mentality), and she validates their life’s journey with unconditional benevolence. Her mission is to help people change their outlook on life and reconnect to their true self and to their heart’s calling and soul’s purpose. She is capable of mentoring people out of the fear and scarcity mindset, and guide them to step into a life full of love and abundance through various techniques including but not limited to cultivating the power of presence, mindfulness, grounding, gratitude, love, and compassion.



*First Aid 


*IAFF Understanding the Fire Service for Mental Health Clinicians  


Expertise & Keywords

Entheogenic Medicines









Plant Medicine Dieta Support

Microdosing and Macrodosing



Somatic Breathwork with emphasis in Parasympathetic (Relaxing) Breath Work

HRV (Heart Rate Variability)

Grounding Exercise

Cold Exposure

Static Shaking

Intermittent Fasting with Adequate Nutrition -(IFAN)

Boundaries and Codependency

Military Transition to Civilian Life

Veterans and First Responders

Trauma Recovery



Sexual Abuse

Mental/Emotional Abuse

Stress Reduction

Teamwork Building

Trauma and Somatics

Nedra Processing


Phone Number
