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Profile Type

Transformational Coach


Coach Title

Transformational Recovery Coach


Bio or Description

I am a Transformational Life & Awareness Coach specializing in Psychospiritual and Psychedelic Integration. I pair ancient wisdom with modern technology to improve your Human Experience and Performance in any area of life needed or desired.From my youth I’ve always naturally been a curious observer of life and willing to try new things, following my heart to whatever resonated as beautiful, inspiring, exciting, fresh, authentic and true. This unique approach to life led into many diverse corners of study, application, embodiment, and implementation. This solid foundation of embodied knowledge and skillsets have coalesced into one fluid approach to Life Coaching that is uniquely mine.The Human Experience is one of triumph and tragedy, beauty and beastly-ness, of hard work and rewards, or of devastation and loss. As soon as we accept the fact that there are no guarantees in life, that it is a challenge, and our deepest purpose is to grow through each challenge gracefully, becoming more of our “Self,” Life then becomes much easier and we are able to shine our light more fully, which brings greater rewards on earth and beyond. Somehow, we have lost this simple approach to life, where it’s not “what” you do, it’s “how” you do what you do, that determines your success and satisfaction in Life. By coming precisely into the present moment, and working through the challenge before us, we grow in power and brilliance, and obstacles and “problems” that seemed impossible to resolve suddenly vanish and play, prosperity, and wholeness are restored. The solution to everything lies within us, we are the answer we’ve been seeking, we are the antidote to our suffering.    Through this process of using Awareness to Awaken the Next Best Version of our Self from within, we continually up-level our Self, our Health, and our Life as a natural outcome of this Awakening. Through this process of “getting back in the drivers seat of our life,” we reclaim our Birthright, and our results start to improve, our relationships improve, we become a natural leader in our sphere of influence, and Life naturally starts to work in our favor.My coaching is for those interested in improving all aspects of their life through coming to know who they really are and aligning with that deeper truth. Through re-aligning with your “Self” in the present moment, you strengthen and clarify your Awareness. With my help, and your improved perception, you begin to see limitations and release them, you notice the blind spots and shine the light of your conscious awareness upon them, revealing solutions and resources in the process. In essence, I help you transform your Suffering into your SuperPower, your Illness into Brilliance, your Weakness into Strength, your Fear into Courage, your Chaos and Inertia into Peace and Harmony.It is my great gift and honor to stand by you on this noble journey, to encourage you to embrace a new, better way of Being, help you navigate the inevitable challenges along the way, and to celebrate each triumph as you succeed! Your rewards are nothing anyone can remove from you when done this way!My great good fortune began when my health collapsed around 20 years of age. I couldn’t do anything I used to or loved, I couldn’t work and support myself and the profound pain and desperation of this drove me to search far & wide for a solution. Through numerous experiments in healing through all channels available, countless painful failures, untold money spent, over the course of 20+ years, eventually I found relief from the symptoms of brain injury (TBI), Lyme disease, Mold & Heavy Metal exposure, that resulted in serious life-threatening disability and Complex PTSD. Through my willingness to persevere through this “hell” and try almost anything that could potentially help, I miraculously survived and am able to be in a much-improved condition and found my True Vocation in Life. I am still very much a work in progress as this journey of Self Discovery and Improvement never ends, but I am a living inspiration of what is possible for you! I have 25 years of experience in Integrative Health and 15 years’ experience in Plant Medicine & Psychedelics and have been coaching people along the way while managing my healing journey for over 20 years.Let my example inspire your Transformational Journey of a lifetime!Are YOU ready to stop merely Surviving and begin to GROW into Thriving?



– Prep & Integration Coaching: Being True To You– 550 Hour Healing Arts/Massage: IPSB (Institute for Psycho-Structural Balance)– Facilitator Training: The Sedona Method (In training for increased certification status)– Wim Hof Method: In teacher training, to be certified– Foundations Training: Core Transformation/Parts Work – certification to come


Expertise & Keywords

– Meditation/Mindfulness– Embodiment Work– Nervous System Regulation/Rehabilitation– Head & Brain Injury (Concussion/TBI)– Complex PTSD– Trauma & Inherited Trauma– The Mechanics of Space & Time: The “Master Key” of Life– Holistic Health & Nutrition– The Sedona Method: A release technique to “let go” of any unwanted thought, emotion, or feeling.– Parts Work: Core Transformation – In Training/Certification Process– Treatment Resistant Depression and Anxiety– Cults and Ritual Trama (SRA)– Wim Hof Method – In Teacher Training– Psycho Spiritual/Psychedelic Integration– Goal Achievement– Ibogaine– 5MeO-DMT– Psilocybin– Ketamine


Phone Number
