First Name


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Profile Type

Transformational Coach


Coach Title

Authentic Leadership Embodiment and Psycho-Spiritual Integration Coach


Bio or Description

Hi, I’m Zach. I’m an Authentic Leadership Embodiment and Psycho-Spiritual Integration Coach. I love to work with light workers, leaders, entrepreneurs, creatives, and heart-centered humans to help them unlock their unique healing and empowerment journey, and forge their unique path to their highest and TRUE SELF.

The universe truly works in mysterious and purposeful ways! After graduating college at the University of Wisconsin Madison with a BA in Sociology, I was struggling with a gambling addiction that led to further drug and alcohol abuse, and a tailspin into anxiety and depression. I was a fraction of my true potential, feeling scared and was miserable at the time. This suffering would later transform into an amazing opportunity and ‘blessing’ to live and work at The Himalayan Institute, a yoga community in Pennsylvania.


It was living and working in yoga community that forged the man I am today. It was there I met my future wife, had two beautiful sons, Dante (12) and Hugo (10), studied with world-renowned masters that laid the foundations of my spiritual practice, jump started my career and professional development, and accelerated my healing from addiction through yoga, tantra, community and holistic health.


For the past 15+ years I’ve been blessed to have studied and practiced with world renowned leaders of yoga, meditation, tantra, total wellbeing, business, purpose & drive, systems integration, psycho-spiritual transformation, psychedelic integration, and more. My wholistic perspective and apprenticeships have provided a deeper understanding of our unique human experience to help my clients awaken their inner healer and accelerate their authentic leadership embodiment journey.


Before launching my Leadership and Integration Coaching Business in 2020, I was a product manager and project manager for over 10-years helping to support and lead several successful startup initiatives within healthcare innovation, employee benefits, yoga and wellbeing, tech companies and content marketing. In every scenario I helped make my teams and the individuals on those teams stronger as a result of my presence and leadership. This is the same presence and dedication I bring to helping my clients achieve the results and transformations they seek.


I bring an immense amount of energy, presence, and passion to my coaching sessions to generate immense inspiration, purpose, and creative insight to enliven my client’s unique journey to accelerate their truest and highest SELF.


I’ve been teaching yoga, breath work, and meditation for the past 15+ years and am a student of the Sri Vidya Himalayan Tantric Tradition. I love sharing my gift to support and accelerate my client’s unique human experience, no matter their faith, life philosophy and/or spiritual practice.


It is in coaching leaders, creatives and heart-centered humans that I am practicing my highest purpose to support their unique healing and empowerment journey through modalities like meditation, yoga, tantra, breath work, core values development, leadership and executive coaching, purpose and productivity development, habit mastery skills, overcoming limiting beliefs, emotional regulation, somatic experiencing, psychedelic integration, authentic leadership development, somatic experiencing, and transformational addiction and recovery coaching.


I currently live in Madison, WI with my wife and two sons, where I support my wife’s ventures and coach clients all over the US.



Certified Vishoka Meditation Teacher through the Himalayan Institute

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Certification through the Himalayan Institute

500-Hour Yoga Teacher Certification through the Himalayan Institute

Addiction Recovery and Psycho-Spiritual Integration Coach Certification through Being True to You


Expertise & Keywords

Addiction and Recovery: Alcohol Codependency Work, Gambling, Sex,

Emotional Wellbeing: Depression, Anxiety PTSD, Trauma Grief, Pain, Loss, Guilt, and Shame

Psychedelic Integration: Ketamine, Psilocybin, and Microdosing

Clients I Serve: Men, Women, Families, Couples, Business, Professionals, Career, Executives, and Seniors.

Business Expertise: Strategy Development, Purpose Development, Leadership and Management, Startup and Growth-Minded Culture, Core Values and Strengths Development, Goal Achievement, Group Facilitation, Team Development, Productivity and High-Performance, Time Management, Culture and Core Values.

Healing Modalities: Meditation, Yoga, Breath Work, Relaxation and Nervous System Regulation, Sacred Space Setting, Somatic Experiencing, Authentic Leadership Development, Habit Mastery Implementation, Shadow Work, Manifestation and Intentionality.


Phone Number
