Expertise & Keywords |
His specialties are,
– PTG( Post Traumatic Growth ) – Suffering Well- Loss of friends and loved ones
– Communication – Veterans – First Responders- Psychedelics – Preparations- Integrations- TBI, PTS
– Depression – Anxiety – Ketamine – Ibogaine- Psilocybin- 5-MeO-DMT and MDMA- Life Coach
1) Cooperative and coordinated interactions, where members work together and combine their input in a deliberate way. Structure, where norms are explicitly stated but can be dynamically redefined.
2) Cohesiveness, where members are united in pursuit of common goals but may differ in their understanding, representation and statefulness of their representation of those goals.
And, 3) Goals, which are understood by all members and the interdependence of members is based on coordination of actions to realize them.