First Name


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In-network messaging label


Profile Type

Transformational Coach


Coach Title

Integration Coach


Bio or Description

My mission is to guide & assist the initiation of transmuting suffering into soul-centered living. I help others find meaning at the end of life and guide in the process of meeting death well. I also help others navigate their own spiritual emergency by teaching the framework to a process that allows you to listen for what your soul is asking of you.

I help people slow down to the ‘speed of soul’ in order to create a strong emotional, physical and spiritual container that can sustain integrity throughout the intensity of the present moment; where life truly unfolds and distractions including addictions are formed.

I’ve worked over 15,000 hours of 1-1 coaching in the field of human optimization and once my spiritual emergency bells went off, spent 4 years undergoing a process of initiation into a more whole, soul-centered, human being rather than human-doing.

I learned to listen to myself, find my intuition, recognize my needs, set boundaries, ask for help and ultimately honor and trust my own truth in order to let go of what was not serving me and create a beautifully fulfilling life of simplicity and purpose.

10 years ago, I endured a psychedelic related near death experience that left me completely shattered. It took a handful of years for me to find my feet again and gain security within the plant medicine space.

I engaged deeply with this path to uncover all of my patterns, behaviors, traumas and discovered completely who I was and why. I navigated countless addictions, the death of my mother among many others, rebuilt my confidence through physical challenge and became deeply familiar with the process of acceptance, presence, letting go, and ultimately transformation through being my own anchor, detached from the external and developed my compass to move through the world in a soul-centered way.

If my journey resonates, I encourage you to walk a part of your path with me.



Being True To You Coach Certification

Trained Death Doula & Sacred Deathcare Facilitator

B.Sc. Kinesiology, Minor Psychology – University of British Columbia

Registered Kinesiologist BCAK



Expertise & Keywords

Psychedelic Preparation & Integration (MDMA, Psilocybin, Ketamine, San Pedro, Ayahuasca)

Spiritual Emergencies/Awakening Guidance

Death & Grief Care for those diagnosed with terminal illness or wanting to meet death well (you or for others)

Cannabis & Tobacco Addiction Recovery

Human Optimization through holistic health, movement & mental development

Anxiety & Depression Support

Relationship Conflict Resolution

Chronic Pain & Injury Support


Phone Number
