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Profile Type

Senior Coach


Bio or Description

Danielle is extremely gifted at finding the gold in the shadow through deep listening. She is an experienced and skilled coach; even short conversations can unearth unexpected gems of insight and shifts in perspective and behavior. Her passion is in supporting others to find resolution and healing from early and current painful experiences, often reversing multigenerational patterns. She focuses on helping clients make sense of their internal contradictions and challenges, leading to a deeper connection to their own innate wisdom and inherent health.


Danielle brings what she has harvested through decades of personal transformation work and experiential learning into her unique way of supporting clients on their journeys of self-discovery. She is a lifelong student in a substantial array of trauma-informed practices, which include communication and relationship building skills, relational and developmental psychology, neurobiology, parts work, Somatic Experiencing, and other embodiment practices.

What Danielle Brings to Each Session…

Warmth, gentleness, compassion, relatability, humor, and honest reflections create a safe and honoring space for looking at the impact your early everyday experiences had in forming who you have become. Whatever you may be struggling with, whatever judgments you may carry, and the challenges that keep you from successfully making the progress you desire—know that it all makes sense within the way you learned to be YOU in the world.

Coaching Orientation

The process includes acknowledging the past while staying connected to the present. You will be invited to get curious about your triggers and the defensive and protective ways of coping, as herein lies the greatest cause of disconnection and distrust in relationships. She guides you in reframing judgments and self-critical thoughts in a way that reveals the wisdom within them. Thoughts, behaviors, sensations, and feelings are explored as doorways into your inner landscape. This often leads to decoding the unconscious programs you live with, mostly outside of present-time awareness, and gaining understanding and compassion for the places you struggle. This new space can then be extended to those you love and interact with as well.

In addition, you will be invited to explore places you may not usually go within yourself. It often takes the support of a skilled guide to open doors that may have been closed for years. That is what Danielle loves to do. Resolution of pain and suffering occurs in a space where you can be met with gentleness and safety. From such a place, you can meet and welcome all parts of yourself, whether protective parts or angry parts or wounded and hurt parts. They all have a place at the table. They all get to be held with tenderness, compassion, and understanding.

Her Deepest Wish

Danielle’s wish is that you experience a deeper appreciation of your journey to wholeness, discover new tools and ways of relating to yourself and others, and reconnect to a heart filled with compassion, self-love, and curiosity.


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